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Constitution and By Laws

Draft constitution of the “Indian Society for Veterinary Medicine” was prepared and approved by the nominated office bearers of the newly created society under the leadership of Dr. S. K. Mishra, Founder President as per the meeting held on 29/12/1980 in the Department of Veterinary Medicine, P.A.U., Ludhiana, Punjab.

The name of the society will be “Indian Society for Veterinary Medicine”
Objectives of the Society

  1. To bring the members of ISVM working all over the country, together and provide a common platform to project the scientific, technical and clinical information is pertaining to livestock health.
  2. To keep the members of the society in touch with the latest advances in various sub-disciplines of Veterinary Med cine such as clinical medicine, preventive medicine, experimental medicine, canine medicine, laboratory and zoo animal medicine, avian medicine nuclear medicine , forensic medicine and jurisprudence.
  3. To organize conferences, symposia and short term courses on continued education for the members of the society and field veterinarians.
  4. To carefully consider proposals, ideas, views given by individual or groups of members for furthering various aspects of animal health programmes, scientific know how and lab-to-land programmes.
  5. To associate with other sisterly professional societies at National and International levels in order to achieve the above objectives.
  6. To promote research inventions on new formulations or appliances for use as a therapeutic or diagnostic aid and to maintain the standard of teaching in Veterinary Medicine in the country.
  7. To publish a journal of the society entitled, “Indian Journal of Veterinary Medicine “in order to incorporate the latest researches and clinical observations in the field of Veterinary Medicine and newsletter”ISVM Newsletter” to inform its members about activities of the society.
  8. 1.3 Jurisdiction
    The jurisdiction of the society will cover the entire territory of the Union of India.
    1.4 Headquarters
    1.4.1 The office of the society will function with it’s headquarter at the place where the General Secretary holds his office.
    1.4.2 For convenience and smooth functioning of the society, there will be one representative from each of the following regions:-
    Eastern region: Assam, Andaman-Nicobar, Arunachal Pradesh, Nagaland, Sikkim, Tripura, Manipur, Meghalaya, Mezoram, West Bengal, Jharkhand, Bihar and Orissa.
    Western region: Gujarat, Maharashtra, Rajasthan, Goa, Daman and Deu
    Central region: Madhya Pradhesh, Chhattisgarh, Uttarakhand, Uttar Pradesh and Delhi
    Southern region: Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Pondicherry and Lakshadweep.
    Northren region: Haryana, Punjab, Jammu and Kashmir, Himachal Pradesh and Chandigarh.
    Abroad : Indian Scientists belonging to the field of Veterinary Medicine but serving in foreign countries.
    Pharmaceuticals representative from different Pharmaceuticals.

    Chapter: 2
    2.1 Membership
    2.1.1 Annual member : A graduate of Veterinary Science/ Medicine who is actively engaged in the teaching/ research / extension and working in the field of veterinary Medicine or allied fields is eligible to become a member by paying an annual subscription of Rs 40/-/w.e.f.1.1.85 (subjected to revision from time to time. At present (12.2.97), the annual subscription is Rs 50/-.
    2.1.2 Life Member : Any person as specified under clause 2.1.1, by paying an amount of Rs. 400/-at a time w.e.f. 1.1.85 (subjected to revision from time to time)is eligible to become a life member. At present, the life membership fee is Rs. 1000/-.
    2.1.3 Honorary Member: To be an honorary member, a person should be of high professional standing or any other person who has rendered commendable service for the cause of Veterinary Medicine may be nominated by the executive council. Members thus nominated by the executive council shall not be more than two during any year and not more than 20 at any time.
    2.1.4 Benefactor : Donations from benefactors will be accepted in any amount exceeding Rs. 1500/-. The benefactors have all the privileges of a member except to vote and to contest for any office of the Society.
    2.2 Privileges of a Member
    2.2.1 Members : Annual members and life members of the society will have privilege to attend general body meetings, conferences, symposia, seminars etc. And to vote and to contest for any office under the society.
    2.2.2 Honorary member: Honorary member will have and the privilege to staged under clause 2.2.1 expect to and to contest any office of the Society.
    2.2.3 Enrollment : Normally any person fulfilling the qualifications as membership mentioned under clause 2.1.1 can apply for enrollment as a member in the prescribed proforma , along with the membership fee to the General Secretary through the Regional Secretary or under intonation to the Required secretary. The membership amount should always be paid in the form of crossed bank draft /M.O. / Cash payable to the Treasurer, Indian Society for Veterinary Medicine.
    2.2.4 Commutation of Membership to life Member: Those who want to become life members but have continued to be effective annual members for two years, the rebate of 33% of the amount contributed by them will be allowed as a discount on the amount to be paid for becoming a life member.
    2.3 Functionary bodies
    The different functionary bodies of the society shall be:
    2.3.1 General Body: It shall comprise of effective annual members, life members and honorary members.
    2.3.2 Executive Council: It shall consist of the following office bearers to be elected:

    1 President 1
    2 Vice-President 1
    3 General Secretary 1
    4 Regional Secretaries 7
    5 Chief Editor 1
    6 Editors 4
    7 Treasurer 1
    The executive council elected will have a term for two years from the date of election.
    2.3.3 Editorial Board: The editorial board for publication of the Indian Journal of Veterinary Medicine will consist of:
    1 President Chairman
    2 Vice-President Member
    3 General Secretary Member
    4 Chief Editor Member
    5 Editors Member
    7 Treasurer Member
    The President is empowered to nominate eminent Scientist a member of the Editorial Board in addition to the already existing office bearers of the editorial Board.
    2.4 Formation of functionary bodies
    2.4.1 Executive Council: When more than one member are nom9inated for a particular vacancy, an election by ballot shall be held at the general body meeting. The nomination shall be signed by a proposer and seconder with declaration from the candidate intimating his or her willingness.
    2.4.2 Editorial Board: Names of the Chief Editor and Editors will be proposed by the executive council and approved by the general body.
    2.5 Functions and powers
    2.5.1 Executive Council:
    • To supervise the overall functioning of the society.
    • To fill up ad hoc vacancy of the committee.
    • To nominate/ appoint sub-committee for organization of symposia, seminar, conventions etc.
    • To approve all the financial transactions carried out by the society.
    2.5.2 President: The President shall preside over all the meetings of the society and shall coordinate the activities of different committees for smooth functioning of the society.
    2.5.3 Vice- President: The Vice-President will assist the President in discharging the above functions and shall act as president in his / her absence.
    2.5.4 General Secretary: The General Secretary in consultation with the president/Executive Council will arrange to convene meetings of general bo0dy, executive council and such other committees, prepare agenda, draw minutes of the proceedings and circulate the same in time. The financial powers of the General Secretary will be sanctioned by the Executive Council.
    2.5.5 Regional Secretaries: Regional Secretaries shall be responsible for assisting the General Secretary to discharge their duties. They can arrange for regional meetings subject to the approval of Executive Council. They will be responsible for the lively functioning of the society in their respective regions.
    2.5.6 Treasurer: Treasurer shall be the custodian of the financial assets of the society and should maintain different accounts in respect of all the financial transaction of the society and shall present the receipt and expenditure statement. He/ she will make all the payment etc. by cheque subjected to countersigned by the General Secretary.
    2.5.7 Editorial Board: Editorial Board shall get the journal registered, decide about the style, format, and formulate rules and regulations so as to maintain a high standard of publications.
    2.5.8 Chief Editor: He /she shall be responsible for publication of the journal and submission of annual expenditure statement in respect of journal.
    2.5.9 Editors: The editors will assist the Chief Editor and in the absence of the Chief Editor, the President shall nominate one of the Editors to act as Chief Editor in his/ her absence.
    2.6 Property of the Society
    The society may raise funds by accepting contributions, donations, grants, gifts etc.from the members, non –members, private organization, Government agencies and other charitable organizations. The entire property movable and immovable shall vest with the executive council.
    2.7 Quorum
    The following shall be the quorum for the meetings.
    2.7.1 General Body: 20% of the effective members (excluding honorary members) on roll. In case of adjourned meeting, no quorum is required.
    2.7.2Exceutive Council: At least eight members.
    2.8 Amendments
    New rules can be incorporated or existing rules mentioned herein can be amended or modified provided it is approved by 2/3rd majority of the effective members during the period.
    2.9 Operations of the funds of the Society
    2.9.1 Membership, subscriptions contributions donations and grant- in aids etc. shall be deposited in the State Bank of India for which an account in the said bank shall be opened.
    2.9.2 Contributions received towards life membership shall be deposited as fixed deposits with interest payable annually.
    2.9.3 The Treasurer shall deposit all receipts in the form of cash/ draft etc. on same day. In the event of holidays the deposits should be made on the next working day.
    2.9.4 Withdrawal of cash from the account of the society shall be made jointly by the General Secretary and the Treasurer.
    2.10 Maintenance of particulars of receipts and expenditure
    2.10.1 The Treasurer shall maintain detailed and up – to- date accounts pertaining to receipts and expenditure of the society and maintain all such records like cash book etc. and get the account of the society audited annually.
    2.10.2 The annual audited account with auditor’s reports shall be placed before the General Body Meeting of the Society.
    2.11 Institutions of Medals, Scholarships, Fellowships:
    Medals: The Society may institute medals for the award to the distinguished members of the Society based on scientific contributions etc. as per the rules to be framed and approved by the Executive Committee of the Society. For his purpose the Society may accept contribution/donation from firms/ organizations/ individuals. The funds received for this purpose will be regulated by the rules to be framed and approved by the Executive Committee.
    2.11.2 Scholarships: The Society may award scholarships for very promising young scientists for admission to M.V.Sc./Ph.D. in Veterinary Medicine.
    2.11 Award of Fellowship: The Society may award fellowship to deserving candidates as per the rules to be framed and approved by the Executive Committee. Donation and contribution for the above purpose may be received by the society.
    a) The members of the society resolved that attempts may be made to keep liaison with the International societies for Bariatric and their related societies
    b) It was further resolved that the attempts may be made to contact professional colleagues and other animal health specialists working in National Dairy Development Board, Dairy Federation and Dairy Corporation so as to know the field programmes of dairy animals.
    2.11.4 Appreciation Awards: The society will award Appreciation Awards to its members for their outstanding contributions in the field of Veterinary Medicine and for the cause of ISVM. However, the numbers of such awards shall not be more than three in a year.
    2.11.5 ISVM Plaque: The best clinical article published in the Indian Journal of Veterinary Medicine shall be recognized by ISVM plaque each year.
    As per the originally approved constitution (chapter 2 clause Amendments 2.8) a number of new rules were incorporated as well existing rules mentioned herein were amended / modified in the general body meetings of the ISVM for the upliftment and betterment of the society during the subsequent ISVM CONVENTIONS FROM TIME TO TIME AND AT PRESENT (1.2.1997) the executive Committee consists of the following office bearers elected for a term of two years (Sr. No 1 to 8 only i e from 1st April to 31st march of the comprising two financial years.
    1 President 1
    2 Vice-President 1
    3 General Secretary 1
    4 Regional Secretaries 5-6
    5 Treasurer 1
    6 Editor 1
    7 Associate Editor 1
    8 Members of editorial board 3-4
    9 Founder President
    10 Ex-immediate Past President ISVM
    Editorial Board: The present editorial board as approved in the general body meeting of IVSM during IXth convention (at Bombay veterinary College) consists of :
    1 Editor 1
    2 Associate Editor 1
    3 Members 3-4

    (The Editor, Associate Editor and members of the Editorial board will have a term of four years as per the approval of general body meeting at 14th Convention of ISVM held at Luck now).
    Amendments in the constitution and New Rules and By- Laws
    IVth ISVM Convention -1985(BAU, Ranchi)
    The F.D. Rs should be reinvested as F/. D. Rs or in other forms of capital gain as deemed suitable by the General body. However, the amount from the F.D. Rs should not be transferred to the saving bank account or pledged for loan or utilized in any other way which will affect the principal amount.
    VIIth ISVM Convention -1988 (CCSHAU,Hisar)
    An amount of Rs. 10,000/- from ISVM funds be kept as a fixed deposit and the interest derived from this should be used for the Young scientist Award each Year.
    VIIIth ISVM Convention -1989(IVRI, Izatnagar)
    I . The duration of annual membership of the society should be from 1st April to 31st March of each year.
    II. The term of the executive committee should be from 1st April to 31st March of the two financial years, so that properly audited and up –dated accounts could be handed over to the next executive.
    III. The proposal of the executive body to enhance rates of life membership fee to Rs 500/- for was approved by the general body. It also approved the enhanced rate of Rs.50/- for annual membership fee.
    Iv) Amendment of Constitution
    Resolved that under chapter 2 clause 2.1.3 the word” Honorary member” be replaced by the word “Fellow of the Society”. The fellow may be called F.I.S.V. M. i.e. Fellow of Indian society for catered. Fellowship, are required to pay a fee of Rs 1000/- to the ISVM. The amount shall be refunded to persons who are not awarded ISVM FELLOWSHIP.
    The life members of ISVM who have been awarded National Fellowship shall be nominated by the Dean of ISVM academy for ISVM fellowship subject to the submission of application and completion of all the formalities by the candidates.
    The founder President, Dr. S. K. Mishra shall be Dean of ISVM Academy. In the absence of Dr. Misra, a President nominated by Dr. S.I.C. Mishra shall work as Dean of ISVM academy of ISVM academy.
    The following amendment was approved to be added after clause 2.2.3 the member can be recommended by executive committee to the general body to be expelled from the society on the ground of working against the interest of the society or for misbehaviour. The member may be ceased to be ISVM member after approval by the general body .
    IXth ISVM Convention -1990(APAU,Hyderabad)
    It was resolved that the following records are to be handed over by the office bearers indicated against each.
    General Secretary: Register of life members, Register of annual members,
    (preceding year), unused certificates, formats, trophies, plaques etc., other relevant records and correspondence.
    Treasurer: The details of bank accounts, fixed deposit receipts, cash book, audit report up –to date, utilization certificates for ICAR grants etc., receipt books and bill books and other relevant records.
    Chief Editor : All articles received and awaiting publications blocks, a set of all Volumes of I.J.V.M. and Newsletter for future record and reference, bill books and related documents, all other correspondence and related papers in respect of IJVM. Invariably the charge should be handed over within one month after expiry of the term of the office bearers.
    Advances taken from the ISVM by the Organizing Secretary for holding the convention should be refunded in full within one month after holding the convention.
    The members of the society who get National award(s) may be honoured at the forthcoming convention.
    5.Xth ISVM Convention -1991 (Bombay Veterinary College Mumbai)
    i) The Chief Editor will be henceforth designated as editor and will be assisted by one Associate Editor from the same place. The Editor and Associate Editor will jointly operate the saving bank account to be opened separately at the place where both of them will be working.
    ii) List of life members should be computerized
    The ISVM fellowship should establish.
    No registration fee should be charged at the annual conventions from the retired ISVM life members.
    6.XIIth ISVM Convention -1984 ( Madras Veterinary College, Chennai )
    i) The executive committee’s confirmation of the membership of the Founder President, Immediate Past President and Immediate past General Secretary as members of the executive committee was approved.
    7.XIIIth ISVM Convention -1995 (HPKV,Palampur )
    i) A newsletter to be published by the society (Quarterly from the secretariat.
    ii) The papers that are only presented in the National symposium will be included in the compendium.
    iii) The Senior members of the society (above 70 years) should be honoured during the convention.
    iv) General Secretary will write and procure the Sri Ram Lal Agrawal and Dr. P.L. Narayanha Rao gold medals and hand over them to the persons concerned.
    v) Business interest should not be there in any administrative and academic affairs of the society.
    The By Laws of the society should not be changed frequently.
    The awards should be disclosed citing the contributions of the awardees in future.
    8. XIVth ISVM Convention -1996 (Department of Animal Husbandry, luck now)
    i) It has been decided to increase the Vice- President `s post from one to two considering the heavy work load.
    ii) one can get award of ISVM once in three years only.
    iii) The tenture of the Editorial Board will be for four years.
    iv) it has been decided that the elections of office bearers should be held through secret ballot and for finalizing the election procedures, a committee comprising of Dr. S. K.Mishra, Dr. H.C. Joshi , Dr. P. Ray and Dr. S.K. Dwivedi was formed.
    The committee met twice and forwarded the recommendations for election procedure for ISVM executive committee to the executive committee which deliberated on the issue and it was referred to the general body for approval. The General Body approved the following procedure for elections of the executive committee members
    The elections for executive committee members shall be held by secret ballot.
    For conducting the elections of executive committee members, a returing officer shall be nominated. The executive committee will submit names of two persons to act as returing officer for the elections to the General Body.
    The General Body can approve any name or even can suggest a new name to act as returning officer for the elections.
    The funds as well as list of the life members of ISVM shall be provided by the General Secretary of ISVM. To the returning officer for conducting the elections shall be provided by the General Secretary of ISVM.
    The returning officer will send the application form for nomination for the posts of executive committee members by post giving 30 days time to the members for submitting their nominations.
    The nomination forms should be proposed and recommended by the life members of ISVM and should have consent of the person as well.
    The nominations received by the returning officer shall be scrutinized by the returing officer and a list of eligible candidates for different posts shall be released giving sufficient time for withdrawal to the eligible candidates. The request for withdrawal should reach by post to the returning officer .The request for withdrawal sent through e-mail or fax shall not be entertained.
    The returing officer shall send the ballot papers to each member through post giving 30 days time for receiving the ballot papers. The ballot papers received after due date shall not be entertained .Each envelope should contain one ballot paper only. The envelope containing more e than one ballot paper shall not be considered for counting .
    After the due date for receiving the ballot papers, counting of the votes shall be done in presence of general secretary/executive committee members/members nominated by the candidates seeking elections for executive committee.
    The results of the counting shall be declared on the same day of counting and it will be forwarded to the candidates seeking election for executive committee as well as General Secretary and President of ISVM.
    The posts for which no nomination is received or no application is found eligible, can be filled up by co-opting the life members of ISVM by the executive committee.
    The returing officer shall be responsible for submitting the expenditure statement against the advance received for the purpose from General Secretary. The expenditure statement should be submitted within 30 days of the declaration of the result of executive committee.
    The ballot papers and other materials related to elections should be kept by the returing officer for a period of 120days.
    9 .XIXth ISVM Convention -2000(FOVsc, Jammu)
    It has been decided that four copies of application should be sent for any awards of ISVM.
    The general body decided that 10% of registration of ISVM Convention should be paid to ISVM. It was also decided that an Organizing secretary of ISVM convention, who contributes substantially over &above 10%of registration fee amount shall be honoured in the subsequent annual convention of ISVM.
    It was decided that executive committee meeting should be held twice in a year.
    One meeting should be held on the eve of annual convention &another meeting should be half way through the year. It was also resolved that EC members should be provided financial assistance of sleeper railway fare from his head quarters to the place of meeting. Boarding &lodging of EC members will be taken care by the hosting EC member / s or institute.
    A decision has been taken that the registration fee for ISVM delegates and accompanying members for future ISVM annual convention is to be fixed by the organizing secretary with prior approval by the president of ISVM.
    Member who been taken that the registration fee for ISVM delegates and accompanying member for future ISVM annual convention is to be fixed by the organizing secretary with prior approval by the president of ISVM.
    Registration number should be allotted to all life members of ISVM & numbering to start from Founder President, Founder General Secretary And Founder EC members and then numbering should be done alphabetically
    11. XXIth ISVM Convention -2003(College of Veterinary Sciences, Anand, Gujrat )
    i) It has been decided to introduce a separate clause “2.1.5 Corporate Member” in the Chapter 2 of ISVM constitution for enrolment of corporate members by accepting one time contribution of Rs. 1000.00 up to 31.03.2003 and Rs.15000.00from 1.4.2003 onwards.
    ii) a. Decision has been taken to increase life membership fee from ‘Rs. 700.00 to Rs.900.00 from 1st April, 2003. The additional charge of Rs. 100.00 for ISVM directory will remain same.
    b. Awardees of ISVM fellowship will be charged a fee of Rs. 2000.00 instead of present fee of Rs. 1000.00 from 1st April , 2003. The Institutional charges for annual subscription of IJVM be raised by the Editor within the limit of Rs. 1000.00.
    iii) The provision of a life member of ISVM who have been awarded a national fellowship will be nominated by the Dean of ISVM Academy for ISVM fellowship subject to submission of application completing all formalities as applicable to all applicants has been withdrawn with immediate effect.
    iv) Decision has been taken that henceforth ISVM will not give any cash prize to the artist of cultural programme at annual convention.
    v) The house reaffirmed that the present provision of minimum qualification of B.V.Sc.&A.H. as the eligibility for enrolling as ISVM life membership will not be changed. It was also decided by the house that there will be no restriction of being life members of ISVM to get authorship for a paper being published in IJVM.
    vi) It has been decided that applicants for ISVM fellowship will have option of consideration of his application for three consecutive years in addition to the existing provision of yearly submission of fresh application of ISVM. In that case applicant may submit supplementary information every year improve the bio data until either succeeds in getting the fellowship of ISVM or lapse of 3 years period. An applicant is required to give a written request for availing three years option plan with the original application.
    It has been decided to allot the life members serial number. The old life members of ISVM those enrolled before July 2002 will be allotted life members serial number under the series` A` with members of first ISVM executive i.e. 1981-82Getting serial no. A-001, A-002 A-003 starting with president, vice-president and so on followed by allotment of serial number alphabetically with the first name state wise.
    The new life members who are being enrolled w.e.f. 25.07.2002 will get serial number under series B Starting from B-001,B-003& soon based on their date of registration for life membership.
    The society has instituted a new award “Dr. G.N. Dutta Memorial Gold Medal “in the memory of late Dr.G.N.Dutta. The corpus fund of Rs. 25,000/- has been received from Dr. (Mrs.)Jyoti b. Dutta for this purpose. Every year the award will be given from the earned interest of the corpus fund. The award now stands instituted.

    11. XXIIrd ISVM Convention -2004(IVRI, Izatnagar, Bareilly,u.p)
    i) Followings decisions were taken regarding ISVM awards.
    a. The present provision of submission of application in quadruplicate (4 copies) duly verified by their controlling officer is to be strictly adhered. In case of non compliance, the application will be rejected by the General Secretary in consultation with the President of ISVM.
    b. A brief citation will be read along with each ISVM award in respect to the contribution of the successful applicants. To help for this provision all the applicants will be required to submit an half page write up for the citation along with their original application which may be modified by the General Secretary as per fact available in the application, in case of applicant is selected for the award.
    c. A sum of Rs. 250/- will be payable by the applicants for each awards applied as the processing fee to the ISVM.
    ii) A decision has been taken to revise the terms and conditions of Dr. P. L. Narayana Rao Gold Medal. The award will be given in one year to the immediate Past President, ISVM and in the next year it will be awarded to any one of the immediate past General Secretary /Treasurer/Editor /Associate editor who has contributed the maximum for the ISVM. Editor /Associate editor will be eligible after completion of their four year tenure in office. There will be no age bar for the award. The award will be given based on the nomination by ISVM executive No application form for the award is to be invited. It carries a certificate and a gold medal. The medal and if take prepare by be IVSM for and annual intelligent and of the corpus fund of Rs. 10000/- available in the fixed deposit of ISVM.
    iii) The number of awards for INTAS young scientist is increased to 3 for the tear 2003 and from onwards with the condition that if the number of application is more than 7, 5 to and 1to4, the number of awards to be given will be 3, 2 and 1, respectively.
    12. XXIIIrd ISVM Convention -2005 (College of Veterinary sciences, Drug)
    i) It has been decided that a panel of experts (minimum 5) will be nominated by the General Secretary ISVM with approval of the President, well in advance before the annual convention, for evaluating the application submitted for young scientist award. The results communicated to General Secretary in sealed covers will be opened during the executive committee meeting.
    ii) Decision has been taken that life members with Master degrees in Veterinary medicine/ Clinical Medicine/ Preventive Medicine alone are eligible to become the members of the executive committee.
    iii) Fellowship of ISVM should be awarded to only those life members of IVSM who have Master degree in veterinary medicine /clinical medicine/ preventive medicine and their designation should not be less than the rank of professor or equivalent.
    iv) The organizing secretaries should be honoured in the subsequent convention.
    v) All the legal disputes should be settled in the court of law located at the place where the ISVM General Secretary`s office is located.
    vi) Life members IVSM indulging in activities damaging the image of the society or denouncing the society would be removed from primary member ship of the society.
    13. XXIVth ISVM Convention -2006(College of Veterinary sciences, Bangalore)
    i) It has been decided to update the ISVM web site and responsibility was given to Dr.P.C. Alex, vice –President ISVM for updating the website.
    ii) Decision has been taken to publish the revised edition of the Blue book with the available information &responsibility for the same was given to Editor, ISVM.
    iii) it was decided to publish the directory of ISVM with updated information and responsibility for the same was given to D. Mahesh Kumar, Editor, IJVM.
    iv) It was decided that the organizing secretary must send invitation letter to all the life members of ISVM including the retired Professors for attending the ISVM convention and National symposium.
    14. XXVth ISVM convention -2007(College of Veterinary and animal Sciences, pantnagar)
    1. it has been decided that generic name of drug should be used for publication of articles in IJVM.
    2. It was realized that IJVM has tremendously improved its overall quality and now it is at par to many standard Indian Journals that`s why IJVM impact factor rating standard be revised at part to them. GBM O.M.C.Sharma and his team to initiate this work on priority basis .
    3. It has also been unanimously decided to celebrate world veterinary day by the ISVM every year On large scale.
    15. XXVIth ISVM Convention -2008(College of Veterinary Sciences, Ranchi)
    1. A new post of Regional secretary for north –East region has been created.
    2. A new award Dr. P.K. Das, Memorial gold medal on the name of late Dr. P.K.Das is to be instituted for which a committee of Drs. S. Prathaban, Dr.A. Bhaumik.Dr. N.N. Pandy and Dr.Mahesh kumar was nominated.
    3. The draft of Blue Book presented by Dr. Maheshkumar was approved for publication.
    4. An amount of Rs.One lakh was contributed by Dr. Mahesh Kumar from savings of silver Jubilee convention of ISVM and it shall be utilized for the award of post –graduate fellowship. The general body has decided that the fixed deposit receipts should have names of President, General Secretary and Treasurer and these should not be liquidated.

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