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General Guidelines For Contributors

The Indian Journal of Veterinary Medicine is published twice in a year, June and December. It contains review articles (guest), original basic/applied research articles, clinical reports on scientific studies and short communications on Veterinary Medicine and Animal Health. In addition, the journal also publishes Letters to the Editor, Tips to Vets and other relevant information.

The manuscripts are accepted on the basis of scientific importance and suitability for publication on the understanding that they have not been published, submitted or accepted for publication elsewhere wholly or partly in any language. All authors are jointly responsible to the various authorities for the contents of the articles. The Editorial board shall in any case not be held responsible in any manner whatsoever to the contents of the article and the views and interpretations expressed by the authors in the articles.

In case the research work includes experimentation on animals, authors has to submit a certificate that the work carried out is with the approval of the Institutional Ethics Committee or as per the laws in force in the country in which it has been conducted. A certificate to this effect should be signed by corresponding author on behalf of all the authors. Editors reserve the right to reject papers if there is doubt as to whether appropriate procedures have been used.

For an article to be published in IJVM, it is mandatory that atleast one of the author should be a life member of the Indian Society for Veterinary Medicine. In case none of the author(s) is permanent member of the Indian Society for Veterinary Medicine he/she may apply for the permanent membership to “The General Secretary, Indian Society for Veterinary Medicine” in a prescribed format provided on the website.

The official language of journal is English. The articles should be sent to “”. The manuscript should be typewritten on A4 size paper in Times New Roman, font size 12 with wide margins (2.5 cm all around the page) and double spacing throughout the article except in abstracts, footnotes and references which should be in single spacing. Each page of the manuscript should be numbered on the top corner including title page, references, tables, etc. All the pages should contain running title of the paper at the top. The text including references should have line number on the left side. No hard copy of the article is required.

Article once received will be allotted a registration number and will be sent to reviewers and on acceptance/ rejection will be sent back to the corresponding author for modification if any. The author(s) should revise and modify the article in light of the recommendations of the reviewer and the editorial board and should adhere to the format of the journal (follow instruction to authors as given below).

Authors are requested also to send the revised copy after modifications as advised by reviewers to the editorial office. The modified articles should be submitted to editorial office within 15 days of receipt, failing which the publication of article may be delayed. A demand letter will be sent to the corresponding author for payments of processing and publication fee of the article after acceptance. Only on receipt of full payments, the article will be taken up for publication and the acceptance letter will be issued.

The manuscript should be organized in the following order in general: Title Page: Should be typed on separate page contain full title of the article, name of the author(s) along with their affiliation, name of the place (Department, College, University etc.) where work was done. Name of the corresponding author, complete postal address including Pin-code along with phone number and the email address at the bottom of the page.

  • Manuscript: Should not include name or affiliation of authors. Manuscript should be arranged as follows:
  • Title: Title of the article should be clear, self descriptive in nature and should not contain abbreviation or symbols
  • Abstract: Abstract should not exceed 300 words and should outline briefly the purpose of the study, important findings and conclusions.
  • Key words: 4-5 Keywords.
  • Introduction: Briefly state the nature and purpose of the work together with the important findings of previous workers without any subtitle.
  • Materials and Methods: The author(s) should describe materials, methods, apparatus, experimental procedure and statistical methods in detail to allow other workers to reproduce the results. Sub-headings may be used in this part.
  • Results and Discussion: In results, the experimental data should be presented clearly and concisely. Information presented in tables and figures should not be repeated. The discussion should focus the interpretation of experimental findings along with reasoning. References in the text should be cited as observed by Kumar et al. (1984) or in parentheses…….. were found (Dwivedi et al., 1983; Singh and Singh, 1984).
  • Acknowledgement(s): This should include grants and technical help provided.
  • References: All publications cited in the text should be presented in the form of a list of references arranged alphabetically according to authors’ surnames. Don’t give serial numbers. Use the following system for arranging the references.
    -For periodicals:
    Leach, K. A., Logue, D. N., Kempson, S. A., Offer, J. E., Ternent, H. E. and Randall, J. M. 1997. Claw lesions in dairy cattle: development of sole and white line hemorrhages during the first lactation. Vet. J.: 154: 215–225.
    -For books:
    Snedecor, G.W. and Cochran, W.G. 1994. Statistical Methods. VIII edn., Iowa State University Press, Iowa, USA, pp. 287-292.
    -For chapter in a book:
    Thomas, J.R. and Charles,C.C. 1997, Calcium regulating hormones and diseases of abnormal mineral metabolism. In: Clinical Biochemistry of Domestic Animals. Kaneko, J.J., Harvey, J.W. and Bruss, M.L. (eds.) V edn., Academic Press, London, pp. 619-702.
    -For thesis:
    Singh, R.S. 2012. Studies on clinico-biochemical changes in liver diseases in dogs. M.V.Sc. Thesis Guru Angad Dev Veterinary and Animal Sciences University, Ludhiana, India.
    -For proceedings of symposia/conference:
    Shah, R.L., Kataria, J.M., Arya, S.C. and Verma, K.C. 1996. Study on inclusion body hepatitis in broiler chicks. Proc. XX World Poult. Congress held on Sept. 2-5, 1996, New Delhi, Vol.IV,pp.313-314.
  • Tables: These should be as few as possible and typed on separate sheets. Each table should have a brief and self-explanatory title with Arabic numbers. Table format should be in accordance with the format of Indian J. Vet. Med. That is containing grids and cells.
  • Figures: High- resolution (>300 dpi) saved in JPEG format should be numbered as cited in the text, with a legend on a separate sheet. The editors and publisher reserve the right to reject illustration or figures based upon poor quality of submitted materials.

Abbreviations and Symbols: Metric system should be followed in the text. The quantities should be expressed in Sl units. Authors are requested to use the standard international abbreviations. All abbreviations should be spelled out when first used in the text.

Footnotes: These should be used only when absolutely essential. When used, they should be numbered in text, indicated by superscript numbers and kept as short as possible.

The British spellings must be followed throughout in the text and Oxford English Dictionary may be consulted in doubt.

Short communication They should be in the same general format as full length papers, should be of 2000-2500 words but not more than six type pages including tables and illustrations. The manuscript should be clearly marked ‘Short Communication’ at the right corner on the top of the first page of manuscript. The abstract (not more than 150-200 words), keywords (not more than 3 words) and subheading, except for acknowledgement and references, should not be written in the manuscript. The references should be given as per format for the research articles.

Clinical articles Clinical case reports of interesting and rare nature are published under this heading. The article sent for publication under this head, should contain between 1000-1500 words but not more than three typed pages including references and illustrations and should be marked ‘Clinical Article’ at the right upper corner of the first page of manuscript. An abstract (not more than 100-150 words), keywords (not more than 3 words). The manuscript should contain history and important clinical observations of the case, tentative diagnosis and its confirmation, line of treatment used and fate of the case. At last, it should have a brief discussion on the line of diagnosis and treatment. All these can be given in separate paragraphs sequentially and sub-heading is not required. The acknowledgement, if necessary, may be given but it should be as short as possible. The reference should be given as per format for the research articles

Processing and publication fee Indian J. Vet. Med. charges article processing and publication fee per accepted article as following:

Research article Rs. 1500/- per accepted article
Short communication Rs. 1000/- per accepted article
Clinical article Rs. 800/- per accepted article

Note: The decision of the Editor is final in all matters pertaining to the publication of the articles. No reason shall be given for the non-acceptance of the article. Editor/editorial board has the right to do final editorial revision of the accepted articles, and may restrict number of pages, tables and figures.

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